Dear visitors,

at this point we inform you

what you can do with your

"digital & real"

What you need to know before visiting us.

We look forward to your visit.


Steffen Maria Ost


Send us a message.
We will get in touch with you!

Thank you for your "digital" visit to Galerie Ost.

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Information for your "real" visit to the Galerie Ost,

Luisenstrasse 23 - 79539 Lörrach in the border triangle

Corona regulation in simple language

What currently applies in the district of Lörrach?

Adjustment of the Corona Ordinance as of 16 August 2021

On August 10, 2021, the federal and state governments agreed to adjust the Corona restrictions (PDF). Most restrictions will be lifted, especially for fully vaccinated and recovered people. The previous four incidence levels will also be lifted in Baden-Württemberg. However, the infection situation will continue to be monitored and the regulations will be adjusted accordingly if necessary.

However, the mask requirement in its current form will continue to apply to everyone. This means in closed rooms - with the exception of private areas - and outdoors if the distance of 1.5 meters from other people cannot be maintained permanently. Children up to and including five years of age are still exempt from the mask requirement. The distance and hygiene regulations also remain in place.

Three-stage warning system from September 16, 2021

The 3G rule applies to us - VACCINATED - RECOVERED - TESTED - we ask you to present your document upon request - please also register in our LUCA APP upon entry.

Please note that registering multiple people is not possible!

The app only links contact details for one person. Each visitor must therefore register using their own mobile phone via the luca app or by hand using a contact form.

Current September 21

It is one year today, since September 2020, when we started renovating the new Galerie Ost at Luisenstraße 23 - 79539 Lörrach in the border triangle on approximately 400 square meters; we had a lot to do and we will certainly not run out of work - it is an interesting time that we can now look back on.

We have used the time of Corona to create as much exhibition space as possible and so the studio is on one floor of our rooms, and the art we have created can be seen on two others.

We look forward to your visit.


Steffen Maria Ost

Atelier & Gallery East,
Luisenstrasse 23 - 79539 Lörrach in the border triangle

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